Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

We moved here back in August and my room still isn't unpacked. I know now is the time to get started on it. I need to unpack my room and out closet. I also need to go through my daughters rooms and get rid of whatever clothes don't fit them anymore. No more being lazy..It's time to do it!!


Lucy postpartumillness.com said...

I hear ya we moved into our house over 1.5 years ago and I sill have boxes that are not unpacked. Not good.

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

No worries! As soon as you get unpacked there will be some other chore waiting for you. That's life as a mom, isn't it? I'm visiting you from FFF on MBC. Just signed up to follow. You have an adorable site. Here is my bloggy too, if you want to visit me sometime:
