Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Life

I have a lot of bad habits. I need to make new changes. I need to stop drinking soda and eating junk food. I've decided to start losing weight. Each month I'll post a photo on here and log my progress. Here is my first update..

Current Weight is 231
Goal Weight is 145

Before Photos:

So my journey begins..I'll post updates every now and then and of course each month I'll post another photo and log my weight.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Anyone still read my blog? I haven't been updating it in so long. I plan on updating it starting tonight but I want to see if anyone still reads it...Comment if you still read this blog please?

Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm Back

Hey everyone!! I  haven't been posting in a long time. A little update....

My husband is currently deployed again and will not be home until next year. I'm currently taking classes at night to be a medical assistant. I should be graduating June of next year. That's pretty much all the new news right now. I will be posting more soon.